Order Entry for the Psion Series 3

Users' Guide

The Order program lets you:

Connection to the public telephone system is through the Psion 3-Link accessory and a Hayes compatible or manual modem.


  1. Installing the Program
  2. Starting the Order Program
  3. Entering Items in the Order
  4. Transmitting your Orders
  5. Viewing Wholesaler's Replies
  6. Order Files

Click here for the Users' Guide in PDF format

If your Series 3 is not behaving in the way you expect, please see Psion's User Guide Chapter 15 Troubleshooting for hints on what to do. If you have to reset the Series 3 you will need to repeat the installation procedure, but be sure to try soft reset first: if this cures the problem all your files will usually be intact.

Please do not ignore low battery warnings for very long.

The Psion Archive